Financial Statements

The Mind Trust, Inc.
Summaried Statement of Position

As of June 30, 2021

Cash & Investments $26,615,290
Receivables & Prepaid Expenses $1,738,105
Fixed assets $101,797
Total Assets $28,455,192
Liabilities and Net Assets
Total Liabilities $2,626,079
Without Donor Restrictions $4,290,026
With Donor Restrictions $21,539,087
Total Net Assets $25,829,113
Total Liabilities and Net Assets $28,455,192
The Mind Trust, Inc.
Summaried Statement of Activities

For the twelve months ending June 30, 2020

Gifts, Grants, & Sponsorships to The Mind Trust $25,595,772
Grants for Partner Organizations
Government Grants $492,100
Interest & Dividends $71,201
Total revenue and support $26,159,073
The Mind Trust's Programs and Investments in Partner Organizations $20,943,526
Management & General $703,089
Fundraising $361,145
Total expenses $22,007,760
The Mind Trust's Programs & Investments in Partner Organizations chart

Vendor diversity

Pursuing antiracism means everything we do must be analyzed, right down to where each dollar goes when it leaves us. Last year, The Mind Trust conducted an internal audit to better understand where our money is spent and whether or not the use of our finances exemplified a pursuit of equity. We found that 26% of our spending supported businesses and organizations led by people of color.

Upholding our DEI principals meant improving that number and moving toward greater equity resulting from our financial decisions. Since quantifying that 26% baseline, in just one year The Mind Trust increased our total funds spent with organizations led by people of color to 36%. We are incredibly proud of that 10% increase even as we recognize more work remains.